About the University Registrar’s Office

About the University Registrar’s Office (URO)

The URO supports the University’s strategic and academic plans by providing tri-campus leadership and advice to the University on matters related to registration and student records management, financial aid and awards, fee assessment, academic discipline and access to information.

The URO is the official custodian of student academic records and the student information system and is responsible for developing and maintaining systems to support all functions across enrolment services, including providing strategic direction for the continuous improvement of automation and systems The URO ensures a highly effective customer service culture and creates a positive experience for current and prospective students and other stakeholders. 

The URO includes student financial aid and awards, student accounts, client services and records, student systems and learning space management. The URO works with faculty and divisional registrars to support undergraduate and graduate students throughout the student life cycle and is an advocate and service provider for University of Toronto students and tri-campus registrarial services.

Teams within the URO include:

  • Business and Administrative Services 
  • Students Systems, Reporting and Client Services 
  • Communications 
  • Registrarial Policy and Project Management 
  • Financial Aid & Awards 
  • Learning Space Management 
  • Student Accounts
  • Convocation

Staff Directory

Angelique SaweczkoUniversity Registrar
Zareena KhanExecutive Assistant
Sinisa MarkovicDeputy University Registrar & Executive Director, Registrarial Systems & Strategic Reporting
Steven BaileyDirector, Learning Space Management
Samantha SmithActing Director, Office of Convocation
Donna WallDirector, Financial Aid and Awards
Andy AllenManager, Academic Scheduling
Toni AndersonAssistant Registrar, Client Services
Christine ConcannonAssistant Registrar, Student Financial Systems
Brenda CrombManager, Financial Aid Administration
Jennifer Da SilvaAssociate Director, Financial Aid
Kevin GoodchildAssociate Director, University Awards
Fahim KazemiAssistant Registrar, Admissions Systems
Beth LebansAssistant Director, Finance & Administration
Joseph MinichiniAssistant Registrar, Policy & Projects
Mari MotrichManager, Data and Analytics
Suzana PintoAssistant Director, Digital & Strategic Communications
Jorge RiveraManager, Technical Services
Natalie Wallace-SchliefferManager, Classroom Planning & Technology Services